Choosing the Best Wood to Burn in a Wood Stove

Posted by Northern Cookstoves on 15 May 2020
Choosing the Best Wood to Burn in a Wood Stove
When it comes to your wood stove, not all firewood is created equal. Whether you're chopping down trees yourself or buying pre-cut lumber from a local supplier, you'll want to make the most of it by being aware of the best wood to burn in a wood stove. What's the difference between hardwood and softwood, and why does it matter? We could go into a great deal of detail here, but we don't want to bore you! All you really need to know is that hardwood comes from deciduous tr...
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5 Reasons Switching to a Wood Burning Stove is Worth It

Posted by Northern Cookstoves on 15 April 2020
5 Reasons Switching to a Wood Burning Stove is Worth It
These long, cold, Ontario winters (that seem to go on for the better part of the year) likely have you asking yourself, "is a wood burning stove worth it?" We find ourselves in mid-April and many residents of Ontario are still knee-deep in snow. Love it or hate it, winter investments are worth their weight in gold where we're from, and a wood burning stove for cooking and heating may just be the multi-functional appliance that you're missing in your life. 1. A Wood Bur...
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