Amish Wood Cook Stoves - A Canadian Tradition
The Amish of Canada settled in Southern Ontario from the US and Europe in the early 1800s. Due to the Amish lifestyle being a deliberate separation from the world and its values to main self sufficiency, the Amish people do not use electricity and therefore rely on wood burning cook stoves both to eat and to survive the unpredictable Canadian seasons.
These amish wood cook stoves have made quite a comeback in Canada in recent years due to the rising costs of heat, electricity, and gas in homes. Many have chosen to take a step back into Canadian history by adopting the wood stove as a source of heat and preparing food for their families in a more traditional manner.
Why Buy A Wood Stove in Canada
Heating your home using a cast iron wood cook stove can help save many families their hard earned money, especially during the long winter months. Wood cook stoves in Ontario, for example, can be used from October right through to May (for that inevitable snowstorm that seems to sneak up on us every year).
The best wood cook stoves bring you back to a simpler time when families would gather around the fire, eat, and talk or sing.
How a Wood Cook Stove Can Save You Energy
Over the past few years, wood burning stoves have continued to be an incredibly efficient heat source for homes. While fireplaces allow most of the heat generated to escape through the chimney, a wood stove can produce enough heat to warm an entire home during even the coldest of winter days. Surprisingly, wood-burning fireplaces have a heat efficiency of only 10%, whereas high-efficiency wood stoves can provide 3 times the amount of heat as a fireplace, while only using half of the wood.
Certified wood-burning appliances, such as wood cook stoves, are also up to 50% more energy-efficient and burn 30-50% less fuel to produce the same amount of heat as older, uncertified models.
If you'd like to save even more, you can purchase your supply of wood directly from the Amish people (who grow their own) or start producing your own trees, such as poplar for firewood.
Recipe Ideas for a Wood Stove
The Amish are experts at cooking on wood burning stoves, and you can find plenty of Amish recipes online to try for yourself.
Not sure where to begin? Here are a few ideas to get you started with your search.
Bread: Many different types of bread can be made using a wood burning stove. No-knead bread, dinner rolls, and breakfast biscuits are a few types of bread that work well.
Soups and Stews: We don't know about you, but when we think of an old cast iron pot cooking over a fire, our minds automatically go to stew. There are some amazing stew recipes you can find online to cook in your wood burning cook stove.
Rice and Pasta Dishes: Did you know you can make an incredible fried rice in your wood cook stove? How about a delicious italian pasta dish or casserole? Anything is possible!
Whether you're using your stove for heating, cooking, or both, it makes a great addition to any home and we guarantee you won't want to go back to your electric or gas range.
Step back in time and join the great Canadian tradition that lives on!
If you're looking for the best wood burning stoves for sale in Ontario, contact Northern Cookstoves to find the perfect stove for your family.
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